The great trade collapse
Recently I came accross a remarkable site with a wealth of information, which helps answer the following questions:
Why did the credit crisis 2008 reach out to the real sector of the world economy? and
Why did this crisis led to such a significant and synchronized slump in sales?
Happy New Year
Liebe Leser (Dear Visitors)
zunächst wünsche ich Ihnen und Ihren Angehörigen alles Gute für das neue Jahrzehnt. Ich hoffe, Sie auch in diesem Jahr hier begrüßen zu können (I wish you and your loved ones a happy new year, and I hope to continue to seeing you here).
Advantages and Disadvantages of Adapting a Product to all Markets
Recently someone wanted to know more about the Advantages and Disadvantages of Adapting a Product to all Markets. The search engine, which he used, led him to my following article → International Product Policy – The Basic Product | Der Produktmanager.
Markets or Communities? The Best Ways to Manage Outside Innovation
In the recent articles I have written about open innovation. In an Harvard Business School newsletter, I read the following → statements about key factors for a firm to consider in the decision towards the implementation of a community-based innovation model.
Disaster and Denial
In his article → Disaster and Denial, Professor Krugman wrote a comprehensive commentary about the reasons for crisis, and the problems to get politicians decide on counteractive measures.
Dell Ideastorm
Recently I wrote about the topic open innovation, as a means to improve the competiveness of a company by having company externals partipate in the creation of innovative ideas. The Ideastorm Community made by Dell, is an example for open innovation principles, and is often cited in the literature.
Open Innovation
Innovation is a central to the survival of modern companies. Many product managers have experienced different changes in the framework factors that define innovation.
How-To: Whitepapers
As I have written in earlier Blogposts, Whitepapers are a perfect means to communicate with your expert customers. As a document, they are located somewhere between a marketing brochure, and a book.
Cloud Computing
In the Economist, can you can find an interesting discussion about a recent trend in the software space – cloud computing. Cloud computing is remarkable, as it may shift the equillibrium in the software space, and as it might increase innovation and competition.
Big Mac Index
When designing products for the world markets, you sometimes need hard figures about the income level of your target markets. It can be quite time consuming to gather this type of information.
Small Business Guide – How to Market Your Business With Facebook
Normally small business owners do not own a big marketing budget. Social Media, and thus community building approaches in the internet, might help you to increase your reach, and they might help you to market your products better.
Classic Development Model and Lean Model Compared
In the lean development model we change certain elements of the conventional development process, to allow the development organization to work more flexibly. Here is why.
Innovation and Patents
Collecting requirements, designing new products, and innovation. These tasks closely relate to concepts, such as interlectual property rights. From the economic perspective, interlectual property rights, such as patents or copyrights, shall make sure that an inventor can market his invention for a certain time span at monopolistic prices, as he is made the only vendor on this market.
Eine neue Wirtschaftsordnung
Der Artikel von → Sebastian Dullien im heutigen Manager Magazin befasst sich mit einer geänderten Wirtschaftsordnung in Reaktion auf die gegenwärtige Wirtschaftskrise. Er präsentiert einige interessante Grundgedanken, die zu einem neuen, „besseren“ Kapitalismus führen könnten.
Innovation and the Feature Spiral
In his blog → How To Be A Good Product Manager, Jeff Lash has written an interesting article about the „feature spiral“ (→ Product management is more than prioritizing features). Read here about my experiences in this area.
Localization and Internationalization of Software
We are living in a globalized world. Globalization, and the corresponding terminology is used with different meanings. In the context of this article, I understand globalization as something, which is economically positive.
Why some technical decisions are too important to leave to engineers
Many business leaders see innovation as essential, in addressing the current economic downturn. In this article, I will highlight a possible problem, which a innovation strategy might cause. Here an interesting study along these lines.
Buchempfehlungen/Further Reading
Ich bin neulich sämtliche Artikel durchgegangen, die ich bisher veröffentlicht habe. Dabei habe ich bemerkt, dass ich in der Zwischenzeit einiges an Literatur besprochen, oder auch empfohlen habe. Ich habe für Sie die jeweils behandelten Bücher in zwei neuen Anzeigen zusammengefasst.
Tech Ideas From Twitterland
David Pogue has published an interesting article about the usefulness of crowdsourcing. Using electronic gadgets as an example, he shows, how you can use Twitter to collect requirements.
The Freemium Business Model and Viral Product Management
Have you ever asked yourself, how the „free“ business model works, which you often find in the internet? Or why some vendors sometimes allow you to choose between a free product, and a product with a fee? My collegues from Pragmatic Marketing have published an interesting article about this topic.
Mistaking Beauty for Truth
Yesterday I have written about Paul Krugman’s Article → How Did Economists Get It So Wrong?, which explains the reasons for the current economic crisis. On the → Discovery Blog (Article → Mistaking Beauty for Truth), I have found the following counter-hypothesis, which incentivates me to think about a different explanation
How Did Economists Get It So Wrong?
I have published here several articles about the current economic crisis, and the reasons, which led to it. With my delicious bookmarks, I offer you additional material and information about this topic. The focus of my articles on this crisis is narrative, and has the following objective.
Agile Goes Mainstream
On today’s → Forrester Blog for Technical Product Management & Marketing Professionals, you find a → report from a conference on Agile. You find there as well information (an interview) from/with → Pragmatic Marketing. The latter interview gives you information about the business case for Product Management, and it answers questions about the why, the benefit, or the type of questions, which affect today’s Product Managers.
Design Matters
While working on my new photoblog (where I will soon start to share my fashion and people photos), I found a lot of inspring information, which helps me answer my favorite question: How to deliver good product design?