Don’t Censor the Internet-Das Internet muss frei bleiben

Vielleicht haben Sie es in der Presse gesehen oder gehört. Die USA planen ein Gesetz, daß die Freiheit im Internet signifikant einschränken wird, und zudem am eigentlichen Problem (Urheberrechtsverletzungen) vorbeioperiert.
Ich habe mir die entsprechende Presse näher angesehen, und dabei erkannt, daß dieses Gesetz auch Webpublizisten treffen könnten, die nicht in den USA tätig ist. Zudem scheinen die USA Druck auf andere Länder auszuüben, ein solches Gesetz ebenfalls einzuführen. Beides geht natürlich nicht.
Product Management is Spreading

As a profession, the Product Management originally started in other industry sectors than the High-Tech sector. Only recently the High Tech sector started to implementing this function on a broad scale, while this sector mainly is understanding Product Management as Technical Product Management.
The „On Product Management blog“ has started with some interesting thoughts about the growing momentum of the product management as a profession.
Definition of Done

In an agile development model, you and your team releases each takt software that your (interal and external) stakeholders can consume immediately. You and your team specify, design, develop and test these potentially shippable products during the sprint. Thus, one of the most important aspects for your agile development project is the question, when you should consider a development task as done.
Formalized Done Criteria that match with the characteristics of your development product help you with this release decision.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Ich möchte deshalb schon heute bei Ihnen für Ihr Interesse bedanken, und Ihnen ein schönes Weihnachtsfest wünschen. Auch wünsche ich mir, daß Sie ein erfolgreiches neues Jahr haben werden. Depending on where you live, I either wish you a Merry Christmas, and a happy new Year, or a nice holiday season.
Record Profits, Banking and Globalization

I always thought that the economies are still in trouble, due to the economic crisis.
Today Justin Fox states the following piece of information „Corporate profits hit a new record in the U.S. in the third quarter of this year“
Perfect….! But, ….. what is this…. If you read this article up to its end, you will find that it is by far not over. But the development still continues to run into the wrong direction.
Today I will be writing an article about my second hobby – Economics and the economy!
Innovation, Education and Innovation Climate

In one of his recent articles, Garr Reynolds from the → Presentation Zen blog writtes about Sir Ken Robinson, who has a lot to say in terms of education and our education systems. One information, which I read in this blog made me think about the climate, which we need to support innovative processes, and creativity.
Technical Debt, and Test Categorization

Recently, Tom Grant from Forrester has written about technical debt and its relevance to Product Management. He made some good points (in particular that technical debt is evil), so that it is with me today to add a few thoughts about quality.
Customer Experts Lose Influence When Teams are Pressured

The Harvard Business School writes in its current newsletter about a tricky topic, which gave me a bit of an „aha-experience“.
I do not want to miss to share this experience with you, as it is important, if you intend that your company works customer centric.
What Is Customer Opinion Good For?

James Heskett is a Baker Foundation Professor, Emeritus, at Harvard Business School. He asks in his newest article → What Is Customer Opinion Good For?
With this provocative question he starts an interesting discussion among his readers about the topics innovation, and customer intimacy. In addition can you find in these answers a large amount of supplemental information.
Secrets to Creating a Culture of Innovation

These days have I seen an interesting Article in the Harvard Business Review, which deals with my favorite topic „innovation“.
I had to look twice, but in reality this article was not about innovation, but about ideation. As many people use a wrong definition, I thought it might be a good idea to (again) look into the definitions.
Google and the Myth of Free Time

Google is known as a very innovative company. In particular their innovation friday is famous. Here in my blog, I have written several articles, in which I discuss the usefulness of this approach.
In his article in the Harvard Business Review → Google and the Myth of Free Time, Chris Trimble writes about this strategy as well. In contrast to me and others, he basically does not think very positive about Google’a approach to foster innovation.
Using my experiences with both, a similar approach, and the development of innovative products, I would like to comment on his article.
Ten tech-enabled business trends to watch

Recently the Mc Kinsey Quarterly published an article about several technologically enabled business-trends to watch. I have already written here about several of these trends, and now want to highlight some of them.
Proactive Versus Reactive Strategies

When developing new products, one strategic choice can particularly be tricky to take. This is the choice wether your product shall be the first (in its category) in the market (proactive strategy), or if a reactive strategy is likely be more successful. The answer to the question, which strategy is the best, is not so simple to give, as it might seem to be. At least in terms of financial results sometimes a proactive strategy might be the strategy of choice, sometimes it is not, but the reactive strategy is superior.
Creation Spaces

Having read an interesting article in the Harward Business Review, I will write here about the possibilities to enhance the innovativeness of your company. And I will particularly recommend further reading from Hagel, Brown and Davison, who work about the topic Creation Space.
Creation Spaces are powerfull means to improve the innovation management.
Interesting articles and news from product camp, etc

Again there is a lot of interesting reading in my mailbox, which I briefly want to share with you. In this blogpost, I will write about topics such as Product Camps, Free offerings for Governance, Risk and Compliance, Software as a service, Requirements and purchasing power, Microsoft goes viral, and the role of the local legislation, or newest Economic Trends.
„BMW Marketing 101“ Checked

Since some days I am active on (a Microblogging site, which allows its users to exchange small messages). Inspired by a comment that said that Product Management will need to become more social and will need to use more social media, I have read a critical blogpost by Braden Kelley from the → Blogging Innovation Blog. I want to comment it here.
World’s Most Admired Companies

Each year, the Fortune Magazine publishes the list of the most admired companies. The 2010 Fortune 500 was recently published. This is a good occasion to look into the rankings for the innovation category, and to check, why leading companies are perceived as leaders, and what makes them innovative. Besides this, we will take a look at other factors that make a company successful, or innovative.
World’s Most Admired Companies

Each year, the Fortune Magazine publishes the list of the most admired companies. The 2010 Fortune 500 was recently published. This is a good occasion to look into the rankings for the innovation category, and to check, why leading companies are perceived as leaders, and what makes them innovative. Besides this, we will take a look at other factors that make a company successful, or innovative.
You’re not the boss of me, young man

This post is about the role of privacy, age, and thier importance for social media and is inspired by article „You’re not the boss of me, young man“ on the Forrester Blog for Technology Product Management & Marketing Professionals. I argue that requirements in terms of privacy also differ from country to country, and that it furthermore important to design your products for all age groups.
You’re not the boss of me, young man

This post is about the role of privacy, age, and thier importance for social media and is inspired by article „You’re not the boss of me, young man“ on the Forrester Blog for Technology Product Management & Marketing Professionals. I argue that requirements in terms of privacy also differ from country to country, and that it furthermore important to design your products for all age groups.
Blog – Upgrade und Redesign

Ich habe meinen Blog umgebaut, und grundlegend verändert. Entschuldigung für etwaige Unannehmlichkeiten, die sich während der Umstellungsphase ergeben haben. Da der Blog inzwischen über viele Inhalte verfügt, habe ich mich darauf konzentriert, die Inhalte leichter erfassbar zu machen.
Crowdsourcing is Broken: How to Fix It

On Businessweek, Scott Belsky writes about the topic → Crowdsourcing is Broken: How to Fix It. He suggests to establish new business models, and „mini crowds“, or to implement self-respect with the participants, so that online communities thrive client and creative talent benefit alike.
Profits and the crisis

In particular during the current economic crisis many companies tend to cut down costs to preserve their profitability. In such moments areas are under fire, „which do not add immediate value to our bottom line“.
Predictably Irrational

In the economic/social sciences in general, or in product management in particular, we tend to see human beings as rational-decision-takers. For instance, if we run a market research campaign, we often take the collected responses as given, and do not waste much time in thinking about hidden messages.