Interesting articles and news from product camp, etc

Again there is a lot of interesting reading in my mailbox, which I briefly want to share with you. In this blogpost, I will write about the following topics:

  • Product Camps
  • Free offerings for Governance, Risk and Compliance
  • Software as a service
  • Requirements and purchasing power
  • Microsoft goes viral, and the role of the local legislation
  • Economic Trends

Product Camp

Several Product Camps took place lately. In these events Product Managers come together to learn from each other. Rich Mironov twittered from Silicon Valley that he updated his Webpage with information about these different product camps (see the → On Productmanagement – Blog).

Interesting: Recently a Product Camp took place in Berlin. → Here you find the link to the homepage of the Berlin product camp event,and → here you find the link to the twitterstream.

In my → blogpost about the Silicon Valley 2010 Product Camp can you find a more detailed introduction about the concept.

Governance, Risk and Compliance

In my earlier blogpost → Schnell forschen, langsam wachsen, I talked about the partnering as a strategy. One element of such strategies is the Governance, Risk and Compliance – Topic. As you read in the following German article on Informationweek, the Germany SAP User group has published a detailed guide about GRC, and the (organizational) implementation of both, approach, and corresponding software tools.

You can download the guide (free of charge) from the following link → AG Governance, Risk Management, Complicance (GRC). It looks promising.

SaaS – Software as a Service

In the following article on Computerwoche can you find information about a recent study about the status of software, which you use as a service over the internet → Warum Anwender Software mieten.

Bottom-Line: The use of software over the internet has several advantages, in particular it is a concept, which might help you to save significant operating costs. According to the article, the topic creates traction among users.

Interesting from the product management perspective is the fact that the delivery model for software related services undergoes a significant change.

Changed Requirements for IT Managers

The following article on Manager Magazin explains an interesting paradgm shift, which currently takes place in among IT-users and IT-departments:→ Zwischen Technik und Wirtschaftlichkeit.

„Aber es hilft nichts: Die CIOs müssen sich dem Thema öffnen, sonst drohen sie abgehängt zu werden. Erstmals in der Geschichte der IT gibt es Technologien, die im Unternehmen ohne die IT-Abteilung eingeführt werden können: Web 2.0 mit Blogs und Twitter macht die Marketingabteilung, Business Intelligence also die Geschäftsanalytik, scheint bei Finance besser aufgehoben zu sein und mitunter – etwa in Krankenhäusern – arbeiten ganze Abteilungen mit Informationstechnologien, ohne die IT-Abteilung auch nur zu fragen.“

Bottom-Line: At current the adoption of software technologies takes place, which can be introduced without support of an IT department, such as Web2.0, Twitter, etc. For IT departments this means that their success model needs to change.

For us in product management this means that we see new types of buyers. In future we thus need to develop for business people,  and not only for techies. Usability, usability….! And we need to talk to crowds if we want to collect requirements, and not only to IT.

Viral Marketing for Microsoft Office

In the following article can you find an interesting move by Microsoft → Bürosoftware Office 2010 für lau. Basically is it now possible for companies with a volume contract for Microsoft software to offer their employees a licence for private use at very competitive prices.

Having recently been attacked by Google/Google Docs, which is free, and under fire from free software from other vendors, Microsoft seemingly cooperates with corporations, where the still have a large footprint, in stopping the erosion of users. Also interesting is that before such models were not possible for taxation issues, as such gifts from employers would were taxable for the employees, and such, not interesting, and too costly.

Bottom-Line: If you are sitting in Seattle and write a software for Berlin, make sure you know the local legislation in areas, which you can not imagine (and so on….).

Globalization Critiques

Noreena Hertz already warned in 2001 that large banks, greed, and missing regulation on financial markets might harm all of us. Right was she. In an interview in the Spiegel Magazin → „Auch Krieg ist gut fürs Wirtschaftswachstum“, she states that the area of cooperative processes, and companies has just started:

„Wir betreten eine Ära der Komplexität, der Vielfältigkeit und der Zusammenarbeit. In Zukunft werden Dinge wie ganzheitliches Denken und kritische Analyse essentiell sein. Außerdem werden Netzwerke eine große Bedeutung bekommen. Wir müssen flexibel genug sein, dass wir diese Veränderungen bewältigen können.“

Flexibility, complex thinking, networking will be among these trends. Be prepared!

Further information


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