Warum manche Unternehmen neue Technologien Verschlafen
Christensen (siehe → Innovation – The Innovator’s Dilemma) hat ausgiebig beschrieben, dass gerade gute Unternehmen Schwierigkeiten damit haben, sinnvoll mit disruptiven Innovationen umzugehen.
Es ist daher besonders wichtig für den Produktmanager, solche Innovationen speziell zu beobachten, bzw „im Hinterkopf zu halten“.
Mission Management 2.0
Im Internet wurde lange über das Web 2.0 gesprochen, in dem es um Kollaboration geht. Zwischenzeitlich rückt das Web 3.0 verstärkt in den Fokus der Betrachtungen. Im Harvardbusiness-Manager beginnt eine Serie, die sehr gut zu meinen Inhalten rund um die Themen Innovation, und disruptive Innovation passt.
Lessons Learning from the Failure of General Motors
In the Harvard Business School Working Knowledge Series, I found the article → GM: What Went Wrong and What’s Next. It deals with the reasons for the remarkable decline of this industry giant, and includes lessons learned, which support the product management idea.
Company Size, Innovation and Design Thinking
In his discussion of the month → Do Innovation and Entrepreneurship Have to Be Incompatible with Organization Size?, Jim Heskett from Harvard Business School collects several opinions about the question if there is a relation between innovation, entrepreneurship and company size.
Product Managers and Competitive Intelligence
In his blog-post → Nuts to negative solidarity, Tom Grant from Forrester writes about competition, competitive orientation of Product Management, and ‚Kill-The-Competitor-Campaigns‘.
His post, and the one, he takes as inspiration, present several interesting thoughts. I recommend you to read them.
Innovation, Mythos und Globalisierung
Hier ein paar kurze Gedanken zu den Mythen, und ein kleiner Ausblick zu weiteren Themen, die ich hier plane.
The Strategic Role of Product Management
Several studies show, that market-driven strategies have a high economic benefit to companies. Product Management covers an important role in the customer-facing organization. Not all people might know, what Product Management is. In this article in English language, I write more about the role and the tasks of the product management in the technology sector. I will also mention some interesting literature, or companies, which are active in that area [Press the document title to read more about the topic…]