Scrum is an organization model, and used by companies that develop products with agile methods. It has been invented as a means to professionalize the software development process. As I have already written in earlier articles, the model defines different roles, and has a specific view to the role of the team members.
Here I will concentrate on the tasks and the role model for the Product Owner.
The product owner is responsible for the project objectives, and the timelines. He further sets the priorities for the other project participants (Scrum Master and Team), and accepts or rejects their work results. Often product owners are very experienced employees (Product Managers) with a certain standing, as they are also held responsible for the commercial success of their product. This responsibility comprises the prioritization of requirements, and the selection of the requirements to be developed with the next phase (sprint).
The typical day in the life of a product owner comprises the following activities:
In addition to his direct supporting role, the Product Owner makes sure to create and communicate a long term product strategy. This requires him to safeguard time for strategic activities.
Some important activities, and methods need to be part of the Product Owner’s toolcase. The most important questions, which he should be able to answer about his product are as follows:
With most innovative software products, I think, the problems already start with the definition of the target markets. Often, we think that a product fits to the need of a certain customer group, until we learn that customers use our products completely different as intended. This is, what I mean, when talking about that we need to understand the real customer requirements.
Further difficulties arise when we try to estimate, how critical individual product features are for the success of our product. If our focus is inside-out (at least with a tendency), we might choose features, which are particularly interesting from the engineering perspective. If we just concentrate on the customer’s view, we might miss to detect long term advantages, which our product could offer from the engineering perspective.
To estimate, which product features are how important, we should have the right mix between the engineering perspective, and the external customer view. This requires from the product owner that he can think as an engineer, and as a business man/ woman, simultaneously.
Usually, the Scrum-method is trained by certified scrum instructors. On the official page of the → Scrum Alliance, will you find additional reading, training material, and training courses.
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